龍少爺 (1982) Watch

1. 龙少爷(粤语) (1982) - iQIYI

  • 龙山镇的富家公子龙少爷与朋友外出游玩,无意中到了一处堆满宝藏的地方。看守人发现龙少爷一路追杀过来。得幸当地王员外暗中相救才躲过一劫。原来此处是程公公的私藏国宝之 ...

  • 清朝末年,洋人入侵,大厦将倾。大内太监总管程公公趁宫中混乱之际,将国宝偷卖给洋人。龙山镇的富家公子龙少爷与朋友外出游玩,无意中到了一处堆满宝藏的地方。看守人发现龙少爷一路追杀过来。得幸当地王员外暗中相救才躲过一劫。原来此处是程公公的私藏国宝之地,机关重重。同时,一直反对程公公所作所为的副总管于海趁乱偷出了一些国宝,程公公得知后大怒,派人追杀于海。

2. 电影:龙少爷(普通话版)1982 - 搜狐视频

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  • 清朝末年,洋人入侵,大厦将倾。大内太监总管程公公(元奎 饰)趁宫中混乱之际,将一件件国宝偷卖给洋人。这天,龙山镇的富家公子、武艺高强的龙少爷(成龙 饰)与朋友外出游玩之际,无意中来到了一处堆满宝藏的地方。看守的人发现了惊奇不已的龙少爷,一路追杀过来。幸好当地王员外暗中相救,龙少爷才躲过一劫。原来此处是程公公的私藏国宝之地,机关重重。同时,一直反对程公公所作所为的副总管于海趁乱偷出了一些国宝,程公公得知后大怒,派人追杀于海。龙少爷拔刀相助,反而给王员外也惹来了杀身之祸。怒不可遏的龙少爷决定挑战程公公这个老奸巨猾的卖国贼。

3. 《龙少爷》- Apple TV (SG)

  • 龙少爷. 动作 1982年 1 小时34 分钟. 清末,大内总管程如虎欲将宫廷珍藏之古物,透过首富王员外售予洋人,却遭副总管海活(陈惠敏饰)反对,两人因而不欢而散 ...

  • 清末,大内总管程如虎欲将宫廷珍藏之古物,透过首富王员外售予洋人,却遭副总管海活(陈惠敏 饰)反对,两人因而不欢而散。 另一富户之子贺云龙(成龙 饰),生性聪慧好武。一日,龙与王员外之子王勤逃学到镇上玩耍,巧遇一村女(雪梨饰),二人被其美貌吸引,后龙与勤在岳王庙再见村女,并巧遇因偷国宝而被程手下追杀的…

4. 龙少爷_百度百科

  • 《龙少爷》是成龙导演,陈慧敏、冯克安、田丰等主演的一部电影。影片于1982年1月21日在香港上映。 故事讲述了清朝快要覆亡时,大内总管程如虎私运宫廷珍藏之古物,辗转至 ...

  • 《龙少爷》是成龙导演,陈慧敏、冯克安、田丰等主演的一部电影。影片于1982年1月21日在香港上映。故事讲述了清朝快要覆亡时,大内总管程如虎私运宫廷珍藏之古物,辗转至广东境内之龙山镇,因种种原因而与当地富户贺金壁之子龙之间发生的争斗。

5. Dragon Lord (龍少爺) (1982) - LoveHKFilm.com

  • 龍少爺. Year: 1982. Director: Jackie Chan. Producer: Raymond Chow. Action ... Before that, the movie seems to meander around for no other purpose than to watch ...

  • When Jackie Chan starred in 1994's Drunken Master II, it had been twelve years since he had last appeared in a period martial arts film. The last movie to feature him in such a role was Dragon Lord, a 1982 film that marked both the end of an era for Chan and the beginning of a new one for his career.

6. 龙少爷 - 百科

  • 龙少爷. 《龙少爷》是由成龙执导,黄炳耀、邓景、成龙编剧,成龙、元奎、冯克安、冯峰、陈惠敏、郑康业等主演的喜剧动作电影,于1982年1月21日在中国香港上映 [1-2]。

  • 《龙少爷》是由成龙执导,黄炳耀、邓景、成龙编剧,成龙、元奎、冯克安、冯峰、陈惠敏、郑康业等主演的喜剧动作电影,于1982

7. Dragon Lord (1982) - The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Watch Now. Welcome to Vibes, TMDB's new rating system! For more information ... Original Title 龍少爺. Status Released. Original Language Cantonese. Budget ...

  • Dragon and his madcap pal Cowboy spend their days getting into mischief, frustrating the elders, chasing girls, and competing in the village sport. When Dragon overhears a fiendish plot by smugglers to sell China's national treasures overseas, the pair leap into action. Also, Cowboy's wealthy father is kidnapped by the villainous and lethal Big Boss, and the scene is set for a furious martial arts showdown.

8. 龙虎少爷- video Dailymotion

  • Duration: 1:44:06Posted: Mar 30, 2014

9. 龍少爺 - Movie - Where to watch on streaming online - MovieWiser

  • Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV, Disney, HBO Max... have on streaming 龍少爺? - Find where to watch this movie online now ... 龍少爺. 1982. 4.9. 龍少爺. Watchlist.

  • Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV, Disney, HBO Max... have on streaming 龍少爺? - Find where to watch this movie online now!.

龍少爺 (1982) Watch
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.